Monday, February 18, 2013

Food is an artistic pleasure to me simply because it is many things that a seasoned chef or just an ordinary cook can do with foods, such as preparing flavorful soups, sauces, or just setting up a buffet meal.  Furthermore, having more than ten years experience of working with chefs, like Tom Meyer of the Old Ebbitt Grill Restaurant on 15th and G Street, NW.  He's also a C.I.A. graduate. Jean Louie of the Watergate located near Virginia Avenue, NW, DC. is  also a graduate of the Cordon Bleu School in Paris, France.  These are just a few reputable chefs whom I have gained a strong sense of knowledge from. Like arriving at the Marriott Hotel on Pookhill Road in Bethesda, MD during the pre-dawn hours as in banquet and buffet chef, preparing waiters and waitresses for menu classes on a daily basis.  Finally, the culinary industry can give a person  that has the desire so many opportunities in today's world.

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